A case of Caveat Emptor. One of the benefits is having access to a Proof House to be able to ascertain whether or not it is a good buy. I have bought (there is a legal way around it) quite a few out of proof guns but at a price where it was worth the risk of failure and that after having a good Gunsmith check it over first. I have only ever had one fail and that was put right and re-submitted for a pass. There is usually a good margin of strength built in. Some good bargins can be had this way. It would be interesting to here Smallbore's coments on this as he is in the Trade and will have a lot of experience in this field.

I can recall some time back a heated discussion on this forum about the pro's and con's of an American Proof House. Most were not in favour at that time but clearly there exsists a case for somewhere where guns can be tested properly. Better to fail in a controlled environment than between the hands. Cost of sending it to a Country with a Proof House would add quite a bit to the cost anyway. Lagopus.....