For all my pro 2A friends out there, I'd like to bring up a point of semantics I was reminded of in a post above. The media and many gun publications tend to refer to anti second amendment people and organizations as "gun control" advocates. After all, who could be against some control of guns? The fact is that those people do not favor control, we have plenty of that, what they really want is prohibition and confiscation. For that reason, I always refer to them as "prohibitionists." We all know what alcohol prohibition did to the US between 1920 and 1933. It was great for criminals and bad for the public. Calling our opponents prohibitionists reinforces this point.

Our side also tends to refer to our opponents as "gun grabbers." This is a very poor choice of words because the great number of non-gun enthusiasts tend to think of us as gun grabbers, inferring that we will grab a gun at the first sign of trouble.

Words matter. Chose your words wisely!

Last edited by C. Roger Bleile; 07/30/13 01:09 PM.

C. Roger Bleile
Author of American Engravers-The 21st Century
FEGA Historian