Originally Posted By: RHD45
My take is that at least half of all voting Americans are either ignorant,racist,don't know what "leader" really means,vote their own narrow interest(s),vote the party and not the man or a combination of the above.I still think we haven't had a "leader" in the office since Eisenhower.I wouldn't follow the last 3 clowns we have had in office out of a burning building.Wit,charm,looks and a gift of the gab are not what I am looking for in a POTUS.
Agree- Wit, charm and the gift of gab (and glad-handing) were the only attributes(??) old Warren G. Harding brought to the table in 1920- and the ladies voted for him because he "looked so presidential"-- Two lessons to be learned from this bit of history from the now-gone 20th Century-- all IMO of course-- (1) The best Presidents are not dressed like Adolph Menjou or look like Gray Cooper or Cary Grant-- I am thinking about Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower and Gerald R. Ford-- they have True Grit and substance-- (2) When women got the right to vote, our Country started down the slow and slippery slope to PITA meddling Liberalism (Eleanor Roosevelt, Gloria Steinheim, the broads who burned their bras and thought that ERA was NOT a baseball term hallowed and revered since Abner Doubleday's era)- and now we are paying that price- just as my Granddad predicted to me when I was 12--Damn shame too!!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..