Originally Posted By: King Brown
The voters gave him the reins of power---twice. And with a second-time margin that didn't keep us up all night.

Uhh the voters-13 Million FEWER the 2008,also voted to keep the balance of power-the house firmly in the R's control,the same.

some other facts you seem to omit;

Surprisingly, President Obama's 2012 vote total -- 59.8 million -- was 100,000 less than the 59.9 million John McCain received in 2008.

131 million voters cast their ballots in the 2008 election in which Barack Obama defeated John McCain by a 53% to 46% margin. Obama received 69.4 million votes, while McCain received 59.9 million.

In 2012, Obama defeated Romney by a 50% to 48% margin. Obama received 59.8 million votes, and Romney received 57.1 million votes -- 2.7 million fewer than Obama in 2012, but also 2.8 million fewer than McCain in 2008.

Despite losing the popular vote 51% to 48%--not a landslide for Obama by any means, but on the other hand not the “neck and neck” outcome many predicted--Mitt Romney would be President today if he had secured 333,908 more votes in four key swing states.

of course new voter id laws in many states that were not in place-due to libtard instance on allowing voter fraud,will be in force in the mid terms.

Hillary For Prison 2018