My poll was unscientific and not a huge sample...but I've noticed over 80% think Treyvon had the right to attack and Kill Zimmerman...and his rights were violated by Zimmerman having the gall to fight back.

But then I am in DC...where the employment rate is so low except in the black community where Baggy pants is considered formal wear...and over 70% never finsih public school....and they sit around moaning how nobody have given them high paying jobs.....

Despite a lack of ANY work skills or even a diploma much less College Degree. Most of them think entry level jobs or something that requires manual labor is below them.

No that aren't all like that....I've work with some for years that are not at all like that. However they do share that same attitude that its not racists for a black man to assault a White or Hispanic man...but its racist for a white or Hispanic man to fight back.....particularly if they win.

If they want to go down this road....every black that commits a crime against a non-black should be charged with a hate crime.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 07/16/13 07:44 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.