Originally Posted By: ed good
trayvon martin was 17 years old when he died. we know he had the body of a man, just under six feet tall and just under 160 pounds in weight. that was also my weight and height when I was 17. presuming he was your typical 17 year old, as was I, he was a big kid with not a lot street smarts, but thought he knew it all and was pretty cool. I aint 17 no mo, but still remember kinda what it was like to be 17. do any of you remember being 17?

too bad Zimmerman did not stay in the car and wait for the cops.

I wouldn't have stayed in the car...it was his neighborhood and he had every right to walk wherever he pleased, whenever he pleased.

And nobody had the authority to prohibit him from walking on those streets.

Your average 17 year old..particularly a 17 year old athlete is in far better physical condition that the average 30 something guy.

If some young punk that he was man enough to attack me.....then he was man enough to deal with anything that might happen..including getting shot to death.

and Trayvon was a thug with a criminal history...he was VERY street smart.
Tayvon was the one who should have turned and left....he wasn't a resident there...and it wasn't daytime.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 07/14/13 05:05 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.