Originally Posted By: RHD45
I suppose if there are 100,000 dead how many people would it take to kill that many? If one person claimed one life that would still be a very small percentage of nearly 1 billion muslims.

I am not going to jump on the bandwagon and call for the extermination of all muslims. I would be for the neutralizing of those who advocate for violence against those who don't share their beliefs.


I don't think anybody that is sane , is proposing any extermination of anybody, just some real serious attitude adjustments in selective areas........I don't think that is what this is all about, is it...?...

There are good Muslims I am sure, I don't know any, but I'm sure they exist, just like there are good Christians, good Jews, good Hindu's, good atheists (don't know any of them either)....and so forth...

What would happen if "a few" Christians or Jews or atheists stood out in the street , in any large city anywhere in the world, with signs promoting death to those that do not believe in their faith, whatever that faith may be.....?......What would the public outcry be...?...Look at the flip side of all these Muslim demonstrations and vocal unrest....

Well, according to the link above, in Muslim countries individuals are killed for even believing in another faith......with regularity......and now they are bringing this mind set to Western countries with threats of doom and gloom......

Should Religious Zealots, which include Atheists, be allowed to promote death to those that do not embrace their beliefs on public streets in Western countries........?....
