In my experience Spanish guns made back in the 60's have the bad reputation and guns made in the 90's and 2000's have a very positive reputation. The 30 and 40 year old guns did come to this country with some bad firing pins, bad springs, etc., and those problems have been fixed and I think the AYA's, Garbi's, Arrieta's, and Grulla, all produce guns that are superior to any other guns in their price range as long as you stay with the current production guns made in the last 15 - 20 years. I've owned a bunch of them and I can honestly say I've never had problem one with any of them and they have always made me happy. That early reputation of a bad product is still out there with people that aren't really up on current guns, but most people that really like SXS guns today know a good gun when they see one. Again, this is just from my personal experience.

Gerry Addison