Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Keith as usual you're twisting what I said....I said I'm for back ground checks on private gun sales.

Nothing more nothing less.

Originally Posted By: keith
On this issue, he stands with Barack Hussein Obama. His feet are firmly planted and we aren't going to change his mind.

I'd as soon stand with the devil himself as stand with Obama....I stand on having some common sense.

jOe, As you can see, I said, ON THIS ISSUE, you stand with Barack Hussein Obama. Nothing in that statement is false or twisting things. I did not say you support Obama in any other way and certainly don't believe for a second that you either voted for him or like him. But sadly, ON THIS ISSUE, you and the magic negro are holding hands. Sorry, but it is what it is.

You and Obama both agree that we should have Universal Backround Checks in spite of the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that it does nothing to prevent massacres such as Sandy Hook, and only provides a backdoor Federal Gun Registry which is something the gun banners have sought for decades. Every single gun that is sold in the Memphis gun shop you referenced is legally sold via Form 4473 and Backround Check. Yet some of the clientele that are walking out with AK-47's and Uzi's are people you would rather not see in possession of a gun. The same thing would happen if backround checks were expanded to all private sales. Bad people would still get guns one way or another because there are over 300 million of them out there to either buy or steal. There will always be a Straw Buyer that a felon can coerce or intimidate or simply pay cash to.

You say you stand on having some common sense. Where is the common sense in expanding backround checks to every private sale between law abiding gun owners when criminals will still get guns? Where is the common sense when you know damn good and well that no criminal or mentally ill person about to pull the trigger will care one bit if that gun was bought with or without a backround check? Where is the common sense in giving Barack Hussein Obama and Company the data to finally have the Gun Registration they have sought for decades, and could not get legally as a stand alone law?

By your wording and spelling in your initial post, "man i'ze lookin fr an A Ra 47 or an Uewzi", it seems as if you are most concerned about gangbanger types buying guns. If that's the case, why don't you just say so and call for tougher laws to control them since they are 99% of the problem when it comes to gun violence and gun crimes. Why don't you call for outright bans on gun possession by young black males and random searches of same? Why don't you call for infringing upon the Civil Rights of the folks that are doing the crimes? Why are you calling for laws that would infringe upon my Civil and Constitutional rights? Why are you acting pissed off at me when it's me who should be pissed off? Why are you standing with Obama and trying to drag us into it?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.