OK, let's try again. Currently, there is no official firearms registration in the U.S. But the anti-gunners have been pushing for that for decades. The NRA and gunowners have spent a lot of time and money keeping registration at bay. However, under the current system of FFL transfers and NICS checks, there is a written record in the Form 4473 and in the dealers bound ledger books. This information includes not only your name, address, age, eye color, etc., but it also includes the make, model, caliber, gauge, and serial number of the firearm you buy from a dealer. Can you tell us why they need this information if you are a law abiding citizen who has not been adjudicated as mentally ill? Although Gun Registration is not legal, the government has been accumulating all of this data. When a FFL dealer quits, dies, or retires, all of his bound ledger books go to the BATF. Obama and Company have been very eager to expand this collection of who owns what to include every transfer by any means. They know it has not, and will not reduce gun violence or help solve crimes. Since they have not been able to get Congress or the American public to go along with Gun Registration, they are taking the backdoor approach which is Universal Backround Checks.

There is so much evidence that the anti-gunners would use this information against you. There is so much history in other countries to show what anti-gun politicians eventually do with this kind of information. Why would you trust them? Why does this seem so innocuous to you?

I think most of us wouldn't mind a system where the only requirement to buy a gun was some sort of criminal backround check that did not have any requirement to know exactly what gun you are buying, or even if you actually did buy one. Maybe a magnetic strip on your drivers license that could be scanned by any dealer that would simply show if you have a criminal record or have been diagnosed as mentally ill, just as scanning a credit card shows if you have exceeded your credit limit. The system could be updated to show if you had been convicted of a crime just as easily as your MasterCard is updated to show how much you owe and how much you have left on your credit limit. The same magnetic strip could also show poll workers that you are a citizen and are legally registered to vote. I'll bet the Liberal Democrats would howl about that.

I believe you really are an NRA member. But it is obvious that you have not been reading the NRA magazines to know what their positions are on these proposals, and why. Your NRA has been warning you about this for years, and especially since 2007 when Obama was running for office. It might have sounded like hysteria to some back then. Now that it's coming true, it ain't sounding so hysterical.

You are correct that the backround checks they do now don't require registration. In fact, it is forbidden. But they are doing it anyway. They are keeping that data. They now want it to include every gun and every gun owner. But the criminals aren't going to register your pistol when they steal it from you. And 99% of the time, when they use it to rob or kill, they won't be leaving it at the crime scene, so it isn't going to be traced at all.

So tell us why you want to help Obama?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.