Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
The back ground checks they do now don't require "registration" do they ?

Why would back ground checks on private gun sales be any different ?

because the Gov is going to be doing them !

now here is the reason they want them,right from the Brady Campaign;

An American gun registry has been an aim of gun-control advocacy groups for almost 40 years — and not always as a stand-alone measure. Reinforcing the worst “slippery slope” fears held by Second Amendment advocates, the chairman of the Brady Campaign explained the role of gun registries in 1976:

"The first problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second problem is to get handguns registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal."

Tell me would Newtown or ANY of the other tragedy's been stopped by a universal back round check ? NO

Hillary For Prison 2018