There were more grouse killed with a classic american made sxs shotgun then we could ever imagine. AH Fox/Sterly's, Parkers, Elsies, Ithacas, or Lefevers to name the most well known. My vote for you Lloyd, would be for an AH Fox or a Sterlingworth in 16 with 3 or 4 weight 28" barrels that will come in around 6 pounds give or take depending on the barrel. Most of them have a LOP around 14" so if that fits you, your all set on that end but be aware a lot were stocked very deeply with a 3" or more drop at the heel. My go to grouse getter is a Sterly 16 gauge brush model. It had a 3 inch drop until I had a new stock made for it to my dimensions, now I hit much better with it.

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