Merry Christmas and a Safe New year to everyone on the Double Gun BBS.
I have secured an invite with my Afghan counterparts for a possible dove hunt in the spring.
Actually , we were out on a patrol visiting their checkpoints and there was a Dove that landed on one of the Hescos on the perimeter wall. My counterpart, seeing that I was armed with a Mossberg 500 Riot Gun, motioned for me to shoot the dove. I explained through my terp that I had OO buck and it was pointless. He whipped out his S&W M&P 9m and was going to try and shoot it. Luckily for all of us involved the dove flew away. At that time he said when the season started in March we would go.
So, we have a tentative hunt for march. My guy said the place was overflowing with doves then. May be interesting.

Yes, I am holding a Mossberg 500 12 ga 18 cyl. Choked pump. Why no M4 you ask. Well, in the Armys indubitable wisdom, they felt that a field grade doesnt need a rifle for going out into the wilds of Afghanistan , with Afghan security forces, with the risks of green on blue at an all-time high. In fact Green on Blue involving Afghan Police against coalition mentors has experienced a 900% increase in attacks this year over 2011.Thats open source info. (dont worry, I am working on that) so, I was able to secure the shortest weapon I could get my hands on and a bag of OO buck loads for it. Short term fix is all.
If I go, I will post some photos and fill you in on the details.

Yeah, I know , it isnt a Fox but will have to do. Supposedly he can get shotshells. We will see.

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