I am SOOO bad about not taking pictures while we're hunting. I had a dove shoot on one of my peanut fields Saturday. There was about 16 of us on a 48 acre field. There weren't all that many birds, and nobody killed the limit, but we had lots of fun. Grandson Jackson was sitting in the blind with me, his little brother Lane was with us acting as our bird-boy. Jackson really shot well with the SKB 200E 20 ga. He killed his first double with it. It was just classic. Two incomers about 10 ft. apart and abreast of each other. I told Jackson to take 'em, he quickly stood up and dumped the left bird with his right barrel and immediately went to the right bird and dumped him with the left. It couldn't have been done any prettier by an old pro. I have never even mentioned to him how to take a double, he just did it out of pure shooter instinct. Big, tough birds, too. I took a little ribbing afterwards from some of the shooters about having some competition, now. Glad to have it, glad to have it. Jackson is 11 yrs. old. I have been shooting doves now for 53 years, and have enjoyed dove fields with all ages of shooters, from 9 to 90+ but, I don't believe I have ever seen an 11 yr. old that could shoot doves like he can. He will limiting out on the very next shoot that he gets enough shooting to do so on, for sure. His little brother, Lane, will be ready to start a little next year. What fun! This is better than reliving MY preteen years with my Grandaddy!

Greg, I well remember having my two boys in the woods and fields with me, as you do. Savor it, brother. But, I've gotta tell you, wait 'til you get to teach those grandkids all about shooting and hunting! My cup runneth over.


May God bless America and those who defend her.