Originally Posted By: Gnomon
....with a partner. If one of them gets laid up the biz will survive. Lawn man badly needs to become at least a 2-man operation.

By the way, Replacement, thank you for your analysis of Medicare pay-ins.

Are you sure your lawn guy is a good example. I believe it shows that you sit back with comfortable means and refuse to acknowledge what joe average has to contend with.

The reason for taking on a partner over an employee is to have someone with 'skin in the game' or an incentive to create billable services. Your reason for having a partner is to make a nonproducer entitled to the others production. Wouldn't most legal partnership agreements limit the liability, or is your legal perspective one of a taker not creator.

Your lawn business may survive forever on paper, but are you going to be satisfied with their service if no one stopped by for the last six months. With your new revelation of medicare taxes and scheduled increases, does that make it easier for a start up company to do business. Remember this wink and a nod didn't even get to the taxes or penalties that'll fall under obamacare.