Originally Posted By: Gnomon

....I also suspect that there won't be a "burden of higher overhead" but rather a lowering of cost - if everyone is insured then the risk is distributed and individual premiums go down - this is why I had long hoped for a single-payer method. That's the ideal thing to promote small business - even Mom & Pop stores could afford to hire someone if they were all covered by some basic insurance....

....Ryan made a very important point - when Obamacare cuts in he can afford to go "independent contractor" route. Many people will be able to do that....
....most people will still want to increase their incomes. Only rarely do people turn down the opportunity to earn more money....

....I don't think of being able to buy health insurance as an entitlement but I suppose others might. The two big beneficiaries of this cumbersome Obamacare are the private insurance companies and the public....

...Sorry- I rambled.

Where to start. No big deal G. It's a very simple matter to look up self employment taxes, medicare taxes and scheduled rate increases for 2013. It will be more expensive for an employer to hire someone, and if you check, an individual will be required to pay both the employee and employer portion. Just one small part of coming 'taxes'.

Your blanket spread the risk theory doesn't mention the track record of the entity that is administering the health plan. There are specific dollar amount 'taxes' that increase over the next four years on the entire 'middle class', who ever that has yet to be determined may be. If you have some sort of health plan you would know that premiums are increasing and under the new law projected to mushroom.

No one said your personal purchase decisions are an entitlement. You may be disappointed to discover that you 'cadillac' health plan, meaning private, is scheduled for a forty percent tax. Drop in the bucket because you're rich, or are you prepared to stand in line with the peasants on principal. So, how again does private insurance benefit by your hoped for single payer method.

Your original example was of a hard working responsible go getter. Wouldn't that person factor in healthcare for themselves and their families, or just assume it'll be cover by the government. Isn't that the entitlement mentality.