On this morning I had a chance to get out for a bit to check out a WMA close by the office that looked good but I've never been out there before.

About an hour out Jaeger (my GSP)slid to a stop from a full run and slammed a gorgeous point at some brush. I went over and kicked around for a bit but nothing flushed. Miraculously, against all odds Jaeger held steady for me to do this. Since nothing was flushing for me, and it was kind of thick I sent in the wunderhund to flush it out. He dives in, knub wagging, frantically rooting around for about 10 seconds then jumps back, trots over to me and drops this at my feet.

On one hand, he did have a good enough nose to smell a mouse at a nearly full run. On the other hand....it's a mouse!

I know it's not a snazzy pic with grouse or woodcock piled up but it's a reminder that you don't have to be over serious to have fun in the woods with your best buddy and it always makes me smile.

He was sooo proud of himself. That's my little prodigy! lol