And with Axle's input of the Robert Eblen sourcing of Edgar Strempel, it just may be that in the late 1920s, or by at least 1930, post WWI the next truly exceptional mechanic with an eye for quality like H. Scherping, H.A. Lindner, etc. is in fact Edgar Stremple. Info in quite elusive for the moment but it would seem he cottons to the side frame reinforcement and post WWII must have had a stash of Simson components, with which he was able thru BüHag( sales co-op Büchsenmacher Handels Gesellschaft) was able to offer upper rung offerings. Seems he was active till 1970 or the mid 1970s and was sourced by Heinrich Münch of Aachen at some point. I'll have to closely smoke over Heinrich Münch's examples for similarities.

Kind Regards,
