
The CE 20 w/flatback action was not in CSMC's tent. The gun was in the tents close to the parking lot & sold 1st or 2nd day. It was owned by a former employee of CSMC (don't remember name)& the story was that the original owner of the gun had been very specific re. period style engraving & configuration on the CE & then later traded it back to CSMC for a higher grade. The gentlemen that had the gun at the Vintagers then purchased the gun from CSMC for the ammount Tony allowed the original owner on trade. He told me the name of the engraver who I recoginized as one of the engravers who did most of the higher grade guns & I'm thinking it was an earlier gun.
I'll stand on what I said about the varying quality of workmanship on CSMC Foxes in my earlier post but this one was first rate.
To be fair, all gunmakers have some up & downs in quality but IMHO CSMC Foxes & all Spanish gun makers vary more than I am comfortable with & each gun needs to be evaluated on it's own merit.