Originally Posted By: Gnomon

Unemployment rates have steadily declined during BO's administration: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate

I did not give Obama credit for expanding gun rights, I simply observed that they have expanded during his administration. So if you are complaining about this outcome, why?

And how are gas prices related to this? Try looking at refining data. That's where much of the answer lies.

Gnomon, I have no expectation that I could ever change your mind, but to correct you....

Unemployment increased dramatically after Obama took office. This was after his promise that the Stimulus Bill would keep unemployment below 8%. I am so glad you provided that link to Trading Economics.com.... it proves my point exactly. The chart which pops up looks very good for the one month period shown. But click on the date selection above the chart and change the 2010 to 2000, the year George Bush 46 took office. Man, your boy Obama doesn't look so good now, does he? Why would you give us a link to historical data that shows your boy has presided over the longest and deepest recession since the Depression?

It is generally conceded that the unemployment rate has been falling the last several months because we now have 1.2 million per month running out of 99 weeks of unemployment benefits. They are no longer counted as unemployed. So if the whole country was unemployed and never went back to work, the rate would eventually go back to zero. Last month, we gained 200,000 jobs, new claims dropped, but 1.2 million ran out of benefits and many will join the 17 million new food stamp recipients under Obamas' tenure.

If you look at your historical data closer, you can see that Bush 46 inherited a mini-recession from Bill Clinton and made things much better until the mortgage crisis which was precipitated by the Democratic braintrust, Dodd-Frank. As noted earlier, Clinton was a huge benefactor of Reagans' policies. He was able to show huge cuts in military spending because he was gutting a military that Reagan had built to huge levels to bankrupt the former Soviet Union.

I told you why I am complaining about the eventual outcome on gun rights even though there have been few overt assaults during Obamas' tenure. With his judicial appointments at the Federal District and Supreme Court level, his anti-gun dogma will haunt us long after he is gone. His Secretary of State has reversed the U.S. position on the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty, and a lame duck Obama will have no fear of instituting his anti-gun agenda by executive order.

Gunflint Charlie, are you paying attention? Do you see why I have to go on and on and repeat myself? Talking to Gnomon is like reasoning with a 2 year old. Or maybe you agree with him?

OK Gnomon, pay attention now. Gas prices are over a dollar per gallon higher today than they were a year ago. Demand is still very weak due to the piss-poor economy. U.S. stockpiles are way up. That is a big reason refining has slowed. There is no shortage of crude. We just don't need so much refined product due to bloated inventories. So why the higher prices? More importantly, where is the shrill Democrat crying that Bush and Cheney endured about being in bed with Big Oil and keeping gas prices high for their buddies at Haliburton? Shameless Hypocrites with a capital H.

Don't blame Iran's sabre rattling for this. Gas prices were much higher under Obama before Iran started threatening to block the flow of oil. And Obama's handling of Iran and their nuclear program has been a spectacular failure. It has become obvious that Obama will probably decide to attack Iran's nuclear facilities right before the election in order to give himself a boost. You and yours will swallow that bait, hook, line, and sinker.

King Brown, I am going to print out your post on "what is so sacred about Constitutional rights?", and also save it in a file. In the future, when someone says I've painted you in an unfair light, I will be able to reproduce your exact words. That should be required reading for everyone here.

I sure hope I didn't shame one of my protagonists' into making their apparent first ever financial contribution to this BBS a few nights ago in the wee hours. Better late than never. I don't want to mention any names because I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

I don't need a rod and reel when I go fishing. They keep jumping right into my boat.

What did jOe say about being "dum'r 'n a box of rocks"? I want to know why jOe is insulting boxes of rocks?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.