I re-read Canvasback's post. I still prefer this topic in another section.

I don't know how you know there are many here that need to be reminded. I don't notice that there are. I don't know why you can't remind them in the MisFires section if they are willing to be reminded. If they are ignoring you they can ignore you here as well as they can elsewhere.

We like it better the way it is. That doesn't make us unaware or complacent or anti-gun rights. I repeat my Paul Revere analogy. Paul Revere was designated as the courier to spread the alarm. He was first there with the information. The things posted on this subject here are available many, many, many places, nearer first hand and sooner.

Have you petitioned Dave for a poll on this matter? I have mentioned it three times now. If Dave is willing you could make your arguments and we can decide. He let us decide some policy on the classified section.

Let me say if you do get a poll I think you are going to lose. And if someone put a gun to my head and made me bet $1000 of my money on what you believe I would bet you think you would lose the poll vote too.

Frankly one of the reasons I like this topic in another section is that I get tired of being harangued by people on my side of the issue. Others have expressed essentially the same sentiment.. Because I dont want this discussed in this section I must be dumb or uninformed or unaware of reality or dont know about the anti-gunners or what happened it England or Australia or Canada. But I do know about all those and I still prefer the topic in another section.

I leave the last word on this thread to others.



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 02/08/12 11:25 PM.

I am glad to be here.