I was just out in CA visiting my brother in Fremont over the holidays. I used to live in Menlo Park back in the mid-70's and loved it. CA has become such a Nanny State since I lived there that I don't think I could ever move back. My brother told me some horror stories about how the state had intruded into his life that made me sick (he wasn't allowed to replace his own hot water heater, it had to be done by a "licensed professional") he and his wife had to stay in a motel for a week while the utility company fooled around fixing an above-ground, after the meter, gas leak at his house. All they had to do was pull the meter and then send a crew around to fix it. What BS, but that's CA in 2012!
I'm sure your second paragraph above "Even one (life) would be worth it" was said tongue in cheek. Haven't these morons ever read Darwin, maybe if some of these fools removed themselves from the gene-pool, the world would be a better place. When I moved back to Houston from Chicago in early 2007, I couldn't get over how bad the Houston drivers were. Then it dawned on me, Houston wasn't blessed with 6 months of icy roads where the real idiot drivers could remove themselves from the gene-pool. Darwin had it right!
Enough ranting for now, sorry.

Last edited by Rockdoc; 01/10/12 02:29 PM.

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)