Michael McIntosh wrote an article entitled 'More Things We Can Do Without' He made the statement: "Choke in gun barrels is all but obsolete". Larry Brown, a prominent member of this forum recently published an article in Pointing Dog Journal entitled 'Are You Overbored?' in which he reiterated similar sentiment as McIntosh and recommended for a Grouse or Quail gun to bore your first barrel cylinder...no choke at all. Keeping in mind that as an average Grouse are shot at approx 23 yards (this was proven in a small older study by William Harnden Foster) and probably quail too, do you agree bird guns in the first barrel should have no choke at all? Personally, I respectfully disagree with these 2 esteemed authors and still like a little choke in my guns.

Last edited by buzz; 07/12/11 08:27 PM. Reason: clarity

Socialism is almost the worst.