if 100% of the guns you are buying are arriving with unmentioned flaws you have to either

a)change who your dealing with.There are many sellers out there,the vast majority in fact are not dishonest.

b)ask better questions about what you are sensitive about as far as flaws go.

c) don't buy sight unseen like you are.This is the age when pictures can be sent in seconds.When I sell a gun,a rare occasion but I do,I send many pictures and go over highlight as well as flaws.If the buyer does not want listen or seems to be looking for something they will never find I tell them politely "the gun is not for you"never had one come back and still corrospond with many of the buyers

d) reevaluate your expectations.If your the type that is never pleased then perhaps this is not for your.

gregsy I am not trying to sound mean just baffled why someone who is 100% dissatified ( instead of "screwed")and feels 95% of sellers are either lazy,stupid or dishonest continues buying guns.I have been collecting for more than 15 years and have the complete opposite experience.I, now,almost exclusively buy from fellow collectors or auctions that I attend or phone bid on not many dealers but its strickly a price saving decision.

Hillary For Prison 2018