I finally got my safe open and found the W. Mertens Jones underlever with a set of browned tubes("Crown" over "V" on top rib) stamped only on the flats with what I think to be the London preliminary. The locks have "SS" stamped near the breech end and have a teat that extends into the stock on the opposite end. It has the typical bar with centered screw type removal for the strikers just like the early hammmer Sauer Daly hammer drillings. It also has a "bump" on the attached forend.

The Sauer DR #19004 from Mr. Cate's text under the W. Mertens looks to have a similar frame. And on page 68 of Mr. Cate's text are 2 Sauer's with the Jones underlever that have the firing pin retaining screws and similar fences but with conical balls.

Kind Regards,
