Originally Posted By: eightbore
Chuck and Ken, "Extreme modern shooters"
Chuck and Ken, "Extreme modern dimensions, 1 1/4 X 2"? Not hardly modern.


LOL...OK, maybe Ken isn't extremely modern, I really don't know...and my wife says I'm backward.

But, I'm somewhat in agreement with GregSY on what is proper or not. A guy that shoots a 1 1/4" drop to near 100% is no less or more "proper" than a guy doing the same level of shooting with a 1 3/4" drop. I really don't think "proper" is the right word. When we look at off-the-shelf guns, it's more about what works for the masses or what the mfrs believe works. Gun mfrs of production, off-the-shelf guns, have to decide what dimensions they want to make to draw the largest market. That seems to have changed, for the most part.

Last edited by Chuck H; 01/14/10 04:38 PM.