Grouse Gay, My blood pressure is typically around 100/60, give or take 5 points, so maybe I need to move to the city where lead in people and birds is problematic... not in rural areas where upland game is shot as you suggest. You obviously missed my point in comparing you to John Kerry. The only thing he "gets" is voting consistently through his career for gun control legislation. His fake goose hunt was a staged event in an area where a multi-millionaire would not go for a hunt. But there was concern by sportsmen in this strongly Democratic area that a Kerry presidency might lead to more gun control. Kerry did not use any non-tox because he did not shoot those birds, despite what the propaganda photos were intended to portray. Reporters asked to accompany his entourage on the hunt, but had to wait, hear a couple gunshots in the distance, then see the new pro-gun, pro-hunting Kerry emerge triumphantly carrying his geese. I was trying to point out that he is a fake and a liar like you. But you were too stupid to get that point the first time around. Nothing to get the old blood pressure up there. I just want to join in with so many others here in exposing you for what you are, and are not, lest anyone be on the fence or not consider the long term ramifications of what you propose. I prefer not to use nice kind little terms like "troll" for a filthy fake who is trying a sneaky backdoor approach to weaken the Second Amendment. You go on proving your anti-lead ammo zealotry citing a portion of some purported study stating that less than 10% of game birds harvested contain ingested lead. Your immediate and predictable explanation is that all the others must have died and decomposed from some new form of extrene rapid acting lead poisoning in the months before hunting season. You go on to "posit" that any birds which flush late, or not at all, or are underweight must be filled with poisonous lead shot. You expect that we should take our birds to an "expert" to have an autopsy done to eliminate crippling, parasites, disease, or plain old age as a cause of their lethargy. How many bird autopsies have you paid for? What were the results? I know the answer. You have had none done. But that doesn't deter you from posting your gay and shrill belief that we should all be petitioning our game departments to ban the use of lead ammo. You and I both know that lead ammo is not a problem compared to the mercury already in the environment, and the mercury that will be entering the waste-stream from increased use of CFL light bulbs. But you, the liar who masquerades as on of us, continues to push lead ammo bans. We see who you really are Grouse Gay. As far as "family planning" goes, I have zero tolerance for gun controllers, either the straightforward types or the "backdoor boys" (pun intended) like you. So I wish someone would do an extremely late tem abortion on you.

Last edited by keith; 01/14/10 04:48 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.