Originally Posted By: Grouse Guy

Here are some more studies:

"Large die-offs or consistent mortality, such as that of swans in northwestern Washington, prompt concern that lead poisoning could negatively impact populations. In 2000-01, over 300 trumpeter swans died in Whatcom County, WA from ingestion of lead shot (WDFW, unpublished report to the Commission, 2001). The 2001 population of trumpeter swans in this area was 916, and it is likely that lead poisoning is affecting the population in this area."

Here is a case where population level impacts have been documented from lead alone.

Just what is WDFW, and why was their report to "the commission" unpublished? Considering the first sentence said, "Large die offs, or consistent mortality....", I would expect that this came from the DRD (Department of Redundancy Department). But Grouse Guy is suggesting we stop using lead ammo based upon a so called study from some biased group of bird lovers with no proof of what they studied, and no peer review. Apparently, these trumpeter swans are leaving shoreline and water areas where only steel or non-tox shot has been used for a generation, and they are feeding in uplands and ingesting the very sparsley scattered lead shot that was fired at pheasants or chukars. One can only marvel at the strange evolutionary process that evolved swans with a preference to expend large amounts of energy seeking out widely scattered lead far away from normal feeding areas to fill their gizzards. Of course, this report does not specifically blame lead shot as the villian which killed about 25% of the total population in this particular county. The source of the alleged lead is not mentioned at all. But even if it was from mining activities or industrial waste or remnants of tetraethyl lead from vehicles and aircraft, that does not stop the narrow minded Deeble from suggesting a ban on lead shot everywhere. Hell, those swans may have eaten the four pounds he recently claims to have deposited on a trap range. I am not suggesting that lead is not a toxin. Not now, not ever. I am saying that it is not anywhere near the problem some of these zealots claim it is, and the alternatives will have a far greater negative impact. RHD45 mentions some police officers who had to undergo "painful treatments" to get lead out of their systems after being poisoned in an unventilated indoor range. I have a friend who had to undergo chelation therapy to remove lead from his system. His high blood lead levels came from years of exposure at a battery manufacturer where he routinely blew lead dust out of electrical panels without even a respirator. He reports that his chelation therapy was not at all painful, and his lead levels are within a normal range now even though he continues to be exposed to lead, just not so much as before. RHD45 also tells of reading a study that claims Blackhawk county Iowa conservation people found 60 out of 130 dead eagles had lead poisoning. Was this in one year or the total for fifty years? With almost 50% mortality from eagles eating fish and deer carcasses, it is astounding that eagle populations are increasing! Hopefully, the other 50% of eagles aren't feasting on fast food with trans fats. Sounds "fishy" if you stop and digest the so-called facts and numbers. Oh, tonight Fox News reported that 2009 was a record year for bird strikes by aircraft, and this number has been rising for some time. There were over 12,000 incidents last year including the one that put Cap'n. Sullenbergers' jet into the Hudson river. Figures lie and liars figure. And Grouse Guy... I think his real name is PETA Guy, and he doesn't want you shooting any of his precious bird friends with anything. Banning lead is the fastest way to approach that goal. The use of lies, bullshit, and junk science is OK because the ends justify the means.

Last edited by keith; 01/13/10 02:14 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.