The book, J.P.Clabough & Bros; by Lawrence P. Shelton, provides a great deal of background information on the Clabrough business,including copies of catalogues.From this book we learn that Clabrough used the words, "London Fine Damascus,"on guns as far back as serial #3229. This particular gun was made between 1875-1887 because the proof marks include the legened" Not for ball," Other guns illustrated #34385 & 34303 are said to have been made circa 1890. Based on the 1892-3 catalogue reproduced in the book, your gun is their #2 model, which sold fo $100. By comparison their #4 gun sold for $250. In the same catalogue a W.& C.Scott "Premiere" is listed at $265.
It is understood that Mr Shelton is soon to release a second updated edition of his Clabrough book.

Roy Hebbes