Raimey, it's Be(rnard) Me(rkel) Su(hl), BeMeSu, I have owned two of his guns. Interestingly, both had forend irons marked with the GM shield, for Gebruder Merkel. Apparently the brothers Merkel were still on good enough terms that he was able to grab already finished forend irons from the bins at Gebruder Merkel to use on his guns. Mine both dated in the 1920's, I don't have them anymore, but both appeared to be the same basic scalloped back boxlock action used by Gebruder Merkel. I may be aqble to find some old photos on the computer, I'll look around.

There was an interesting article recently published in the GGCA magazine which reprinted the notice of the razing of the Bernard Merkel factory in Suhl only a couple years ago. Someone I correspond with in Germny actually sent me a German language print of that newspaper article at the time, it also may still be on my computer if you are interested.