Now the French bit is unsubstantiated and carries zero weight but either Mr. Apel of GGCA informed me of the Swiss firearms merchant or it was in one of GGCA's publications. And it may have been higher-end Merkels. But from a pic of a catalogue I've pulled this with a glass for the "Modell 201":

Modell 201 Bock-Doppelflinte wie Modell 200, aber besserer(?) Ausfuhrung mit engl. Gravur und schonen Nussbaumschaft(walnut stock).

Odd though that the Merkel of current discussion has the "Outstanding Quality" mark but has the tubes joined with soft solder. At least the makers noted whether it was hard or soft.

Rabbit: does you have a quailty mark on the left side of the rear barrel lug?

Kind Regards,
