Originally Posted By: Toby Barclay
Hi Mark,
As you know I reline quite a few cases and I would advise you to avoid both felt and white glue.
The former goes very hairy as you work it and doesn't like tight bends unlike true baize which is a lot more forgiving whilst being worked, takes a nice fold/bend and looks loads better at the end.
White glue is in my opinion horrid! It doesn't 'grab' well, is impossible to remove once dry and can not be reset if you find a mistake after drying.
Animal glues are far better if you don't mind the slight smell while wet and the 'bain-marie' needed to heat them. The advantages are that it is a virtually instant fix, can be removed with a little hot water and a cloth, and can be steamed off easily if an alteration is required.
Furthermore it is traditional.
The choice is yours but that is my opinion.
Toby Barclay

Well I guess I'd better toss those dozen or so cases away that I built and lined with felt and horrid white glue. I am truly surprised my firearms haven't disintegrated from being housed in them.

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