I've seen more CZ-Brno scatterguns than FEG and the sidelock CZ ones had coil springs. Fegyver e Gazkeszulekgyar(FEG) either went into bankruptcy or receivership and feginvest absorbed them and production was supposed to have continued - http://www.feginvest.hu/ close to FEG's address, or maybe the same. I've seen posts where an inquiry to feginvest@feginvest.hu produced some info( http://translate.google.com/translate?hl...l%3Den%26sa%3DG ). There is/was a FEGARMY intity also and from here in the US it looks like one big FEG blurr. I'd be interested to see the proofmarks.

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 02/12/09 10:48 PM.