Originally Posted By: Twister'sPa
Funny what we remember isn't it?
My memory if the albino pheasant episode (don't bank on any of this) was that Phil was carrying on
when it flushed and joked that Bing had just shot one of the farmer's chickens. It turned out to be
an albino rooster.
Dub Taylor was the character actor that I couldn't remember from the plantation quail shooting episode.
He was lights out with his double, but I don't recall what model it was.

That show and Crosby and Harris in particular, had a tremendous impact on me and my approach to sport. They were gentlemen and never put the kill above the companionship and time afield. I don't think I ever saw an episode where Gowdy and the guests did not appear to be enjoying the moment - taking in every aspect of the place and time.


Around the steel no tortured worm shall twine.