Thin barreled doubles with full chokes will often end up bulged from large shot. People think steel is the only culprit, but, it isn't.

A wolf that hears the sound of the rack going into battery on the model 500 will have different things to think about besides your pie. A wolf with some common sense will look elsewhere. One can buy the full "I'm seriously paranoid" stock, handguard, barrel with rail lights and whatnot, just to make sure the wolf knows you are as serious as he is, still. Maybe Obama/Biden will stop that part. But, a better "wolf at the door" meet and greet tool has yet to be invented.

Ask that Korean grocer who spent time on the roof of his store during the Rodney King riots.

I'm going to remind the "plastic trigger guard" critics that it is a structural nylon trigger group, that thrives in dusty/dirty no lube conditions. And that Mossberg sells a metal trigger group under the law inforcement/military parts section of their catalog, for the unconvinced.

The wolf will be persuaded, in any event.