Originally Posted By: fnb25
one thing i like about pushing the gun away is the movement once learned is the same regardless of clothing. if one develops a habitual gun mount in the summer wearing a t-shirt, a change of seasons can induce a problem until the mount or the LOP is adjusted.

I'm the last one that should be espousing any method, but this struck a chord with me. I have found that i have very little need for a shorter lop in the winter, even with quite cold temps and appropriate clothing to sit knee deep for hours after breaking ice off a duck puddle. I'll start my bird season in a t-shirt and finish when others say it's too cold to ice-fish...so this makes sense to me.

People gasp when I tell them I just stocked my new fox at a bit over 16"...but from the crook of my elbow to the crook of my index finger is 16.5" and it shoots 55/45 patterns dead on. Did I just put a stock on that's too short?? Hope not Being that this is not a "normal" measurement and is usually the most off of the other stock dimensions by far, I certainly find LOP to be the most critical measurement on most off-the-shelf guns. Having finally settled on a fit that works pretty well for me, now I can get to the business of truly improving my shooting as my consistency is dramatically improved.

Last edited by David Furman; 09/25/08 09:25 PM.