only last week i picked up some new book on shotgunning by a writer i'd never heard of. thumbed thru it and in seconds saw a half page pic showing how to determine the correct LOP by placing the butt in the crook of the elbow, etc. immediately put it back on the shelf as i didn't care about anything else that writer had to say.

i don't think either method is valid. you obviously don't want your thumb hitting your nose on recoil but there's way more to it than that. there are too many factors involved to boil it down to something that simple.

i love the way the literature described a benefit of my fabarms o/u: you can adjust the LOP because the trigger blade is moveable. no, you can't. no matter where you put that trigger, on a pistol gripped gun your right hand pretty much stays put and the "real" LOP stays the same.

there's only 2 ways to determine if a gun fits: shooting (empirical) and fitting (somewhat empirical but also somewhat theoritical). if you can hit with the gun, it fits. if you can't, it might not or it could just be you.
