Charles Arndt w/ Fin & Feather Safaris(Birmingham, AL) has some destinations in the North part of South America. Boliva and Ecuador are stable from time to time but Colombia can get rough. I'll agree that the trip South to Argentina/Chile can be taxing if the plane is 2 deep on the sides and 3-4 deep in the center. The bigger the plane, the better.

But the free range beef is excellent for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if you dove shoot you'll need all that extra income to pay for all those cases you keep breaking into. I can't shoot ducks anywhere without the shoves following me. First crack out of the box on the first morning near the end of June, I down a Red Shove/spoonbill. I consider the teal and whistlers(ciriri) to be sporty shooting, but won't pass many times and sometimes not a all before they are in your mustache and on the water. But hunting, not shooting, Perdiz w/ a German Wirehair tops my list. That coupled w/ very sparce cell phone service, no tv; approaching getting back to basics.

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 07/30/08 12:05 AM.