Well, if'n the seas are going to rise, they would have to take the great lakes with 'em, no? I mean since they are all connected via the St. Lawrence seaway and all.
Lake Surerior is down about three feet, not a small amount of water.
Where is it all?
My theory, is, that over the long haul, we can demonstrate that temps globally have ping ponged up and down, sometimes, for tens of thousands of years at a crack, and sometimes at the expense of whole ecosystems. Man, a relative newcomer on the scene, had nothing to do with said temperature fluctuations. The difference now is there are misguided souls who will advance the theory that it is mankinds doing, and twist the argument to suit their political whims of the moment. They are under the assumption that mankind can change what will (eventually) prove to be normal cycles of climatic change (we can't, and won't change them) and will destroy whole economic, and political ecosystems that they feel don't mesh with their said political fancys of the moment.
Got that?