I had a wave of teal come across the marsh, just in front of bad weather storm front, maybe 30 years ago. Storm was sleet, freezing rain and heavy snow mix with stiff winds. Not talking hundreds but must have been several thousands coming off Black Water Refuge on the Eastern Shore. It was so impressive I never raised a gun. They came over my blind at about ten yards high in a wave that had to be a mile wide and about a quarter mile deep. I have never seen so many teal in one place in my life. I figured they were looking to get up into the small creeks with woods around them for cover against the front coming.

About three minutes late a wave of geese did the same thing. By then I had recovered and we shot several geese as the passed by. Then the front hit and we hunkered down in the blind for about half an hour. Ice had formed on the boat and it was a real struggle to get out of there. Those teal knew.