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Susie, a 1925 featherweight L.C Smith 16 ga. waits as I ready my "stuff". She has 32" barrels choked F/F, a Hunter single trigger and ejectors. Quite a mouthful for a lowly Field Grade.

With the Judas birds in place atop the center pivot above and behind us............

We sit down to wait for some action............

Susie and I got to the field late, after most of the doves had come in to feed, but one group of four did swing by to take a close look at their betrayers on the center pivot and then headed straight away. We took one going away with her right and one with her left, two fer two. A couple more flights came by but either got the sun on me or slipped by as I was looking another direction, sooooo, we didn't have many to dress for the freezer. But, we enjoyed our afternoon together all the same. The lovely Ms. Jean has not an inkling about our secret rendezvous, but I really don't think she would mind at all.

Great pictures Stan. The decoys on top of the irrigation work like champs, don't they. Have you ever noticed that the birds rarely fly under the center pivot? Geese and ducks don't like to fly under a high tension power line either.

I saw a new one one a recent shoot down here; the guy used a surf casting rod to hoist a spinner and a few standard decoys over the non-electrified high wire crossing the field. The decoys all hung upside down on monofilament lines but still looked convincing, and the doves homed in on the set-up from all over the field.

I wonder if the doves will figure out the mojos the way the ducks have come to avoid or ignore the robo-decoys??? I'm getting tired of the things myself; the doves always dive low at the spinner creating a dangerous shooting situation and watching half a dozen of them in a field makes me dizzy. Anyhow, it looks like you and Susie had a nice day afield, thanks for sharing...Geo
Great pictures and a beautiful long legged lady.


I've used the dove over the power line trick for years, too. I think it works even better than the mojo, which we've been using for about 7-8 years. The bottom line on the overheads are always neutral, as you said, regardless of whether it's a single phase or three phase. You can put screw-eyes in the backs of the decoys and tie your fishing line to it and the dove hangs upright, though underneath the line, which doesn't matter to them at all. I've seen them light literally within inches of the dekes. The mojos work occasionally. When I first started using them, and no one else had 'em, they were amazing, but certainly are frustrating when they cause the birds to come in "on the deck". You're absolutely right about them flying under a pivot, they never do it.

I was down your way yesterday, went with my son to Moultrie to look at a cotton picker, and noticed that it is terribly dry there, as it is here. I try to "make lemonade out of life's lemons", and remembered that we can get some really good shooting at little waterholes with a mojo when it's this dry. Maybe next time we'll have more birds in the pictures.

Thanks, Mike. Those long-legged ladies "get me going". I know you like'em, too.

Wonder why the photos I posted in this thread went away?
Photos show up fine for me, Stan. I knew you were going to enjoy that gun. Those barrels look even longer in the pictures!
That's strange, they're not loading for me. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise.

I'm having a little trouble getting used to the trigger being in the rear position. That, with the shape and size of the grip, puts my trigger finger way into the bow, so that I have to pull it with the second crease on my finger, not the first as I am accustomed to doing. As long as I just don't think about it I shoot it just fine, though.
Posted By: JayCee Re: Whiling away a couple of hours with Susie - 12/21/10 11:58 PM
Stan, not loading for me either.

There appears to be a problem with your photobucket album, because they do
not show if I try them in another window.

Posted By: JayCee Re: Whiling away a couple of hours with Susie - 12/21/10 11:59 PM
I take that back. They did finally load.

Nice pictures. Wish my season were nearer.

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