Originally Posted by RARiddell
doesn't list where you can buy. Are there any US distributors?

The impression I got, from the admittedly short conversation, is that you would buy it directly from them. The brother of the owner did say that the website wasn't up to what they wanted, at least right now.

My impression, for whatever it is worth, is that AGC has been a US government contractor for years and that they are probably just starting to move into the civilian market and are in the early stages of shotgun, pistol and rifle ammo.

I walked away from the conversation optimistic, the brother of the owner was a nice guy, wasn't pushing a line of BS and seemed they fully believed in being able to deliver on their product in the very near future. The price of the flats of 12 & 20 that they had at the shoot were $120 a case. And yes, I typed $120.00/case.

Sorry I don't have more information

And don't listen to Ed.