I have a supremely accurate 6/284. When I built it years ago, I made a couple of hundred cases using bench rest prep (anneal, reduce twice, neck turn in and out, primer pocket etc). I loaded up several boxes of the most accurate load and then for one reason or another didn't shoot it for 3 years. I took the gun out one day with 60 rounds and noticed at the range that the necks of over 1/2 the cases were split all the way down. They worked and shot fine due to the small neck chamber, but I had put a lot of work into those cases. I re-annealed the unsplit cases along with the not yet loaded cases, and never had any more problems. I had even more extreme problems trying to star crimp paradox loads for a 16 ga.

It is hard to overestimate the problems you can have with post annealed formed cases. I suspect in those days, they made them primarily for one shot use in rook rifles.