Originally Posted by canvasback
Originally Posted by mc
A good example of activism and politics, is the tea party and ultimately the Obama administration using the IRS to shut them down.the tea party would affect the election of Obama and the Obama couldn't have that ,we think the democrats are wrong they think Republicans are evil.

I'm glad someone here gets it. The Tea Party were activists. Different from politicians. We need more Tea Parties. We need more people who rise up again in a different form to continue the fight after they are politically stymied by a corrupt IRS doing Obama's dirty work. We need that shit going on for the next 40 year.......not 4 years.

What you don’t seem to understand is that the Patriot Act created a surveillance system to spy on ordinary Americans. It was in place when Obama took office and he and Holder took it to the next level, spying on, and targeting their political opposition.

You don’t hear the words “Tea Party”, anymore. They were hounded out of existence by the IRS, FBI and the Justice Department, which, were fully weaponized under the same administration. That is the new, leftist model of life here, simply lawfare the opposition out of existence. See “Donald Trump”.

The media is completely in the tank for that half of the political spectrum, and the truly stupid among us don’t seem to or don’t want to grasp it-did you not notice a certain Professor quoting the New York Times with bogus climate change information, full well knowing they were instrumental in the false dissemination of the”Russia Hoax” and the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop being “Russian Disinformation”?

To date, they have not corrected either of those stories. What kind of idiot uses the New York Times as a source?

Our idiots.

I can’t help but notice your own idiots are just as bad.

God help us.
