My grandfather's stuff, (1856-1929) is among the neatest inheritances that subsequently passed through my father to me. Granddad's dog whistle collection, his E Grade Lefever pigeon gun, his mint 1916 DWM Luger that a saloon customer gave him after appropriating it from the New York Customs House, a lone picture of his pigeon ring during a Sunday shoot with participants all in their Sunday best, a 1910 picture of granddad and my dad and a third person with a long barrel pump gun. Granddad is holding a double gun with a repair in the grip, or maybe it's a Greener with a side safety, can't tell. The best is a pre 1910 picture of the front of granddad's saloon with a beer wagon and team and a preteen "dad". Granddad never used trucks in his beer distributing business until he sold the business in 1927. His first car was a 1929 Chrysler bought the year he died. Oh, that. There was no Prohibition in Hazleton, PA. Taverns locked their front doors and government people never went around back, except to shoot pigeons. My wife, The Lovely Linda, has family pictures from Cumberland, Maryland that include hunting pictures with a mix of muzzleloaders and early breechloaders with the subjects identified by name. Just so neat.