Jagermeister you got more than the name of the Air Corp wrong. The strategic bombing of Germany was less than effective. Post war studies determined their production actually increased during the strategic bombing. Forced a whole new round of thinking regarding our strategic air arm.

Patton was from a different era than the other senior officers of our forces. He was born in 1885 and was already old by military standards by 1941. He had fought in Mexico, trained and led our first tank brigade during WWI, fully comprehending the great advantage of maintaining the attack/exploitation with rapidly moving forces versus letting the enemy reset his defenses which would result in a new round of heavier losses for the attack. He proved it worked repeatedly and his units were the first across the Rhine into Germany. The only thing which slowed him was the inability of the logistical support system to provided for the rapid movement. His 90 degree turn of the entire Third Army, while in contact with the enemy, in the dead of winter to relieve Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge was absolutely unprecedented in military history.