BS, Jack. Both Hillary and Obama offer SPECIFIC plans (neither of which you like). You're trying to sell us on the CONCEPT of universal health care, while admitting that there are BAD universal health care plans out there--like, in your opinion, both Clinton's and Obama's. (And I doubt you'd say the one under which the Soviet Union operated for 70+ years was all that good either.) Therefore, "generally better" clearly doesn't cut it. The devil remains in the details . . . which is why you keep encountering all the universal health care skeptics.

In order to sell universal health care to the American public, it has to be demonstrated that not only is the CONCEPT superior to what we have now, but that whatever SPECIFIC PLAN is being offered us is an improvement. And the fact is, you are in partial agreement with those Americans who oppose universal health care: you too are against Hillarycare and Obamacare. To convince the skeptics, therefore, you need to go beyond the general concept and get down to a specific plan. Show them what it will give them, what it will cost them, and tell them why it's better than what we have now. As simple as that--or as complicated as that.