I had a conversation with a high up directer of UPS a few years ago. They have had a couple of problems with individuals shipping guns via UPS.

Here is what they have experienced

One gun that he recanted was loaded in the shipping box. The boxed was dropped, probably off the belt or something, who knows. It discharged. No one was hurt, luckly. He know of this happening at least once and said he thinks he heard of another case.

Second, they have found in the past individuals selling guns to out of state residents, shipping them directly to non-licensed individuals. A violation of federal law. In this case when the feds became involved to charge the individuals, UPS had to become involved to supply shipping records and to testify in these cases. Even thought UPS did nothing wrong, they did not want to have the hassle of the situation. Which I can not blame them. So yes, its more difficult to send guns via UPS unless you are set up for it as a regular account.

I fully believe that in the near present that as an individual you will only be able to send guns through an FFL dealer

John Boyd

John Boyd
Quality Arms Inc
Houston, TX