For a $650.00 gun that would be fine to take the chance, but if you read my posts I said guns worth "thousands of dollars". Meaning three, four thousand or up to ten thousand dollars or more. Someone shipping a gun like that- they'll be lucky if it's never seen again. We read from people on here all the time who have a gun shipped from overseas that they paid several thousands of dollars and it isn't near what was described. Then they want to sue some guy in New Zealand or someplace. Or they have one shipped just across the states and never see it again. Or it arrives broken in half because of some gun hater who works for the mail service. If I had a rare gun that was worth a lot of money, I'd drive it to Seattle and be back in the time I said. Or, I would do business closer or just chalk it up as never finding the gun I wanted. I would even take less money selling it to someone near me than taking the chance of never getting a dime for it because it got lost or stolen. And you're right. To each his own. But it won't be long before someone will be on here again hollering, not to trust a dealer because he rips people off. Or that his gun got stolen. But, to each his own.