Better yet...take a vote on this new (latest)line of resistance to the transfer of information...How many think Ted is correct when he says..." The gun shown with the Charlin IS NOT a Darne"...???

If Ted wasn't simply running resistance, he would have offered it up in a manner that shows that he was actually contributing to the thread or understanding.... by saying...(for example) actually Darne Fils was somebody else trying to cash in on the Darne name...or something of the like...but that's not the case here...

Regardless of what they say...what they're trying to do is bitch their way into fixing it so you guys will get no Darne data unless they issue it to you...and anyone else who offers Darne data gets shredded, even for spelling errors...why else put up so much resistance? I already have the data...they're only trying to block the other readers from getting it...Why? Who cares where the info comes from as long as it's verifyable? there's a word to contemplate....

Last edited by Robert Chambers; 12/17/07 01:14 AM.